[SML] DMX cable 2-into-1

Sean McCarthy seanrmccarthy at gmail.com
Mon Dec 8 22:50:50 UTC 2014

Hi all...

Several years ago one of the vendors (I thought it was Lex Products,
but they say 'no') was selling adapters that split the 5-wire DMX
cable into two separate universes.  It was a mated pair of
"twofer-looking" cables:  one was two males and a female; the other
the reverse.  Tail "A" was normal pin-out;  Tail "B" put the DMX data
+/- on pins 4 and 5.  This allowed ONE piece of cable to function as a
'DMX Mult' and carry two universes.

Yes, I can make it....but I'd rather just buy it.  Who has 'em??

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