[SML] OT: Gmail's "in box" invites

Jon Ares jonares at arescreative.com
Tue Nov 4 06:37:36 UTC 2014

On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 2:24 PM, Charlie Richmond via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

> I have used G+ from the beginning and there are a large number of people
> who do - it is deliberately completely different from fb.

I concur. I like G+ quite a bit, and despise and avoid FB as much as
possible.  I like G+ because it's all about connecting to others that are
like-minded/focused on the same interests/industries, whatever.... rather
than FB, which is a lot more about sharing the personal.  Different boats
for different goats. I really don't care to see pictures of what someone
had for breakfast, or read someone's passive-aggressive rant about someone
in their office.... I don't wish to share that, and I don't wish to see
that sort of stuff, either.

Again, some are OK with that... but I prefer G+, where I have well over a
thousand followers (and I likewise have over a thousand that I follow) who
enjoy sharing and discussing great photography.  If I were interested in
sharing pics of my oatmeal and eggs, I wouldn't be sharing it in G+,
because I don't believe those people are into that, either.

Jon Ares
Follow my twits @jon_ares
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