[SML] Good article on board-opping Shout-Out

Dorian Kelly illuminati500 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 6 16:11:02 UTC 2014

Excellent - should be required  reading. By a strange coincidence there is an article in the Stage ( UK newspaper) today  by Rob Halliday about board operators and how their job has changed over the lat few years and become a profession in its own right.

Having read that I dug out an article that I wrote in 1975 or so about the art of the board operator and re-read it, It makes a good contrast. If anyone is feeling particularly masochistic, here it is… http://www.theatrearts.biz/Board%20operators.pdf


> Subject: [SML] Good article on board-opping Shout-Out
> Hi all,
> Anne Valentino (from ETC) has a great article in November’s Stage Directions about preparing yourself (and your console) for programming.
> http://www.stage-directions.com/current-issue.html
> I highly recommend at as a 10 minute read for any young board-ops out there.
> Ford Sellers
> Senior Product Development Manager

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