[SML] Testing

Phil Haney leadflyman at gmail.com
Thu Sep 11 22:13:36 UTC 2014

> > /95aajlmmzueGVMOrUTWttxQfeC1e3+DegKgiXXAbvI0UTddokoKq1C8ihDSaJM2
> snip
> Z70/XsyNmdEcjwyKbMUnlv4=
> > =q+Ya
> > -----END PGP SIGNATURE----
> Which translates to "hey, it's me, Jerry."
Well, actually everything in between "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----" and
"-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----" is a computed hash of the entire file that
was sent.

The idea is that you have the same software on your end, it computes a hash
for the file, and compares it to the PGP Signature. If the two don't match,
then someone tampered with the file while it was en route to you...


"Quini, quidi, quici" - I came, I saw, I played a little quidditch.
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