[SML] Thread projection

Stuart Wheaton sdwheaton at fuse.net
Fri Sep 19 14:59:35 UTC 2014

On 9/19/2014 8:10 AM, Dave Vick via Stagecraft wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 6:59 PM, Stuart Wheaton via Stagecraft
> <stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
>> It's probably a lot like the 5 second rule for nicopress swages...
> There is no such thing.

Given both your and Bill's response, I feel the need to clarify what I 
was trying to say.

There is no rule about 5 seconds, but I have worked with people who 
believe there is one, and as I see it, all it means is that you ought to 
pause for just a moment to ensure that the jaws are really fully 
closed.  And yes, the only certain test is the proper go/no-go gauge.

Just like the idea that as long as the threads protrude through the nut, 
(and either through the nylon or the lockwasher is compressed) then the 
nut is doing all it can do to add strength to the connection.  Once the 
bolt is through the nut, it is far more important to have a means of 
preventing it from working loose than it is to count threads.


> The rule for Nylok nuts is the fastener protrudes through the nylon.
> Whether it's one thread through or a dozen threads through is not
> relevant.

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