[SML] Motor controls in scenery

Kim Hartshorn hartshwk at plattsburgh.edu
Wed Apr 8 12:12:36 UTC 2015

I think for small, lower budget/short time-frame, productions you should
avoid motorized scenery as much as possible.  In the case cited it is quite
possible the winch could have been a manual winch.  Old school scenic
movements are much safer and the forces (torque e.g.) are much closer to
human scale.  I have felt this way ever since I had a motorized winch tear
itself out of the floor after the cable drive for a turntable crossed over
itself, I realized that my own expectations of possible malfunctions did
not match my own understanding of the torque provided by a reduction drive
and a 3phase motor...and that I did not have the time for the R & D to do
it correctly.

Go simple, go safe
Kim Hartshorn
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