[SML] photo rights

Charlie Richmond charlie.rsd at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 21:41:45 UTC 2015

Yes, they may look similar but I'm moving to Leafs and Teslas, which are
quite different under the hood and that's more than toothpaste....


On 20 April 2015 at 13:49, Chip Wood via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

>  Big deal.  The '16's will look just like the '15's and the '14's and the
> '13's, etc.  Introducing the new cars has about as much impact as
> introducing a new flavor toothpaste.
* Charlie Richmond - http://www.RichmondSoundDesign.com
* Viber: +16047159441 Skype, LinkedIn & Twitter: charlierichmond
* facebook: charlie.richmond
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* google.com/+CharlieRichmond google.com/+Richmondsounddesign
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