[SML] Headset/headphone storage?

Steven Hood shood_td at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 21 19:48:37 UTC 2015

We put our headsets in zipper bags, and let the cord sit in a more-or-less 
relaxed state in the bag. The bags all get put in a bin in sound cabinet.
If you find something better, lemme know.
Steven R Hood

On April 21, 2015 12:13:26 PM Jon Ares via Stagecraft 
<stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

> Who has a snazzy way of storing comm system headsets, that's quick and
> easy to use, keeps cords from getting tangled, and is
> self-explanatory? That is to say, doesn't require "training" of kids.
> :)
> I built a rack for 4 wireless headsets a few years ago, that had four
> boxes for the belt packs, and each box had a peg reaching out from it
> that the headset hung on. Cords just hung loose, and the charger was
> attached to the unit. Kids had no problem figuring out how to put the
> headset back in the caddy, and plug in the charger.
> But now we've moved on to Eartec wireless, and the beltpacks are very
> tiny and lightweight (and the batteries come out, so no need to plug
> in the belt pack) - and the headsets are very lightweight. But I'd
> like to keep the cords tidy, as well.
> I can probably do up a similar design for these new headsets and
> packs, but was curious what others have done....
> I've looked online to mass-produced headset storage systems, but funny
> thing.... every picture shows no cords.... funny how Photoshop seems
> to have removed all the tails from these beasts!  Hunh.
> --
> Jon Ares
> www.arescreative.com
> Follow my twits @jon_ares
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