[SML] Another stage collapse

Risk Intl. - Dr. Randall W.A. Davidson rdavidson at riskit.com
Fri Apr 24 22:19:49 UTC 2015

In my history of investigating stage incidents, falls into pits, etc. there
are more falls into orchestra pits and off of the edges of stages than most
people know of. I have handled more than a dozen law suits dealing with
falls from stages into the pit....Dr. Randall W.A. Davidson  April 24, 2015

Dr. Randall W.A. Davidson, Product Liability and Risk Management Assessor at
Risk International - www.riskit.com. Focused & Integrated Solutions to
Global Problems - www.globalhealthandsafety.net. ISETSA - International
Secondary Education Theater Health & Safety Association - www.isetsa.org.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stagecraft [mailto:stagecraft-bounces at theatrical.net] On Behalf Of
Bill Conner via Stagecraft
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 7:37 AM
To: Dale Farmer; Stagecraft Mailing List
Subject: Re: [SML] Another stage collapse

Too bad there is not enough money in pit fillers to warrant a little
more interest in safety like there is in lighting and rigging.  This
is third pit filler collapse in nation news in a year - which probably
means there are a lot more than are reported nationally - and none I
can remember of stage rigging incidents (I do draw a line between the
mostly portable and temporary rock and roll concert stuff from
performing arts and permanent installations) and yet we have standards
and initiatives an a safety day for rigging.  Consider falls into pits
as well as the filler failures (say that fast three times in a row)
and it seems we need a new or different focus.

Bill Conner FASTC

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