[SML] Swage Fail video?

eddie Kramer eskramer at ieee.org
Sat Aug 1 17:51:19 UTC 2015

Not so much as a fail video but it does deal with safety cables, PLASA BSR E1.53 - 20xx, Overhead mounting of luminaires, lighting accessories, and other portable devices: specification and practice, is out for its first public review.

The standard covers specifications for the primary and secondary (AKA lighting safety cables) mounting devices for portable stage and studio luminaires and accessories. It also covers these mounting devices for special effects equipment (e.g. fog machines and bubble machines) that are often mounted along with lighting equipment on trusses and rigging system battens. The standard would give guidance on how to properly affix these mounting devices.  

For the document go to   http://tsp.plasa.org/tsp/documents/docs/BSR_E1-53_EP-2015-7010r3.pdf

The review form is at    http://tsp.plasa.org/tsp/documents/docs/E1-53_RevwForm.pdf

And the Public Review Instructions can be found at   http://tsp.plasa.org/tsp/documents/docs/RevwInstructns.pdf

Please comment on this


On Jul 31, 2015, at 3:59 PM, Scott R. Henkels via Stagecraft <stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

>  1-failure of those old slide bolt spring snaps that used to be ubiquitous on lighting safety cable 2-failure of improperly-swaged oval swage

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