[SML] Super Titles

Stephen Litterst litterst.stagecraft at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 00:35:39 UTC 2015

On 8/6/15 5:29 PM, e-mail frank.wood95 via Stagecraft wrote:

> Again with my engineer's hat on, all the proposed solutions seem to me
> to be grossly inefficient. Using perhaps 1/8 of the frame is not only
> inefficient, but presents problems as to where the other 7/8 of the
> frame goes.

It's a case of knowing the audience (of the question, not of the opera). 
  If it's Herrick asking in regards to one of his corporate clients, the 
answer would have been to build an appropriately sized LED screen with 
as small a .pitch as the client would pay for.

Bruce's clients don't usually have deep pockets (to be brutally honest, 
sorry Bruce) so we were brainstorming solutions that would fit in their 
budget and resources.  Such solution tend to be grossly ineffecient. 
However, efficiency is not always the goal.  Effectiveness is.

Steve L.
Stephen Litterst            Technical Operations Supervisor
litterst at udel.edu           Mitchell Hall
302/831-0601                University of Delaware

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