Herrick Goldman herrick at hglightingdesign.com
Mon Feb 9 02:31:48 UTC 2015

Nice work DK.

My wish list would include a side by side comparison option like if you were shopping online you select say the viper and the vl4000 and then click compare for a side by side.. 

Also a bitmap of each light would be nice...

Standard gobo load images would be handy too...  

I know that's a lot..

But this is a really good start. 

Sent from my H-pad

Herrick Goldman

> On Feb 8, 2015, at 18:37, Diana Kesselschmidt via Stagecraft <stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
> I’m in round two of my Beta test for the MLDB or Moving Light Database.  With nerves, I open it up to you guys.  
> I believe the page is self explanatory, but if it is not, I would love feedback on that as well.
> I have begun a wishlist and expect to get started on that, and any comments you all offer, in about 2 months.
> please enjoy: www.mldb.dianak.com
> D 
> -- 
> Diana Kesselschmidt 
> Lighting Design
> 516-643-3185 
> DianaK.com
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