[SML] PDX swilling?

Richard John Archer rja10 at cornell.edu
Sat Jan 17 17:27:51 UTC 2015

looked up my own question…PLSN says Lighthouse Technologies supplied  P10 LED panels.  10mm   2000nits.   separate projection and screens for other stuff


TD, Cornell U
>> An excellent evening! I seem to be the only one of us who got to see the show, so I'd seen the tech DV described during our peek backstage. It was enthralling from out front - the moving set pieces were as well choreographed as the dance, and SO MUCH VIDEO via those massive LED/RP screen walls!
> So Dave…..who's LED screens, pixel pitch and what kind of PITA is it to hang up and does Pat mean the LED screen was tucked right behind an RP to "smooth out" those pixels?
> Motown is touring with  Chauvet LED  video panels hung directly upstage of an  RP  screen -- (plug for Ford….I expect my check in the mail)
> DickA
> TD, Cornell U

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