[SML] PDX swilling?

Richard John Archer rja10 at cornell.edu
Sun Jan 18 04:58:18 UTC 2015

looked up my own question…PLSN says Lighthouse Technologies supplied  P10 LED panels.  10mm   2000nits.

Yeah, except that's wrong. The elements  are FX-11 cells from BasicTech in the UK. The cells are 450mm square, clipped together six high by fourteen wide to make a 1350mm x 6300mm LED panel that splits in half and tracks on & offstage in a motorized traveler track.

11.25 pixel pitch, 40x40 dot resolution, 300Hz refresh rate, 5,000 cd/m2 brightness, 120x120 viewing angle,

The same cells make up four tall light boxes, two in each wing, that are four cells wide x nineteen or twenty cells tall, about 8" deep and skinned with RP screen material to create hard legs with internal projection.


Dave Vick

Okay thanks.  Thurs  I  was at supplier looking  at 5mm screen rental for two 13 x 22 screens for an event  in April.

TD,  Cornell U

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