[SML] Xmas lights > Skyline windows

Paul Guncheon pguncheon at gmail.com
Mon Jan 19 14:50:00 UTC 2015

<<I'm considering doing a silhouette skyline and drilling and
inserting individual xmas lights through for the illuminated window


For what its worth, I have really wide sight lines, so I don't think light
boxing and just drilling holes will be as effective.>>

I would suggest drilling a few holes from the back side with a
countersink bit (or using a countersink after drilling)  and trying
the "light box" technique first... as a test. tor a multi-step drill


It might help with your sight line issue. That's a lot of
lights=that's a lot of work.

In addition, (you probably have thought of this, but hey...) study
some films of skylines or just go look at one if possible to get
suggested variations in size and color of lights as well as any
atmospheric effects. Might help the illusion.


Paul 1

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