[SML] Introducing my new venture

Joe Golden joe at stage-tech.com
Wed Jan 28 18:25:11 UTC 2015

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On 1/28/15, 9:37 AM, "Pat Kight" <kightp at peak.org> wrote:

>Joe Golden via Stagecraft wrote:
>> I have launched my business, I want to thank Andy Lang and DV for
>> recommending PS Print and a big thank you to Paul Olson for designing my
>> website and other media.  And since this is about BBQ it is totally on
>> topic!  We should have product to ship in about 3-4 weeks.
>Awesome! And just in time for the spring grilling sason, too (yes, here
>in Western Oregon I usually break out the Weber in March...).
>Best of luck on the new venture. Knowing how folks around this list like
>their 'Q, you may get a pretty good start right here!
>Pat Kight
>kightp at peak.org

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