[SML] more theatre design thoughts...

June Abernathy JEA00321 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 27 03:14:53 UTC 2015

> On Saturday, July 25, 2015, June Abernathy via Stagecraft <
> stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
>> The Fox in Atlanta, which has no loading dock, and trucks must back down
>> an alley parallel to the stage one at a time to get to the loading door
>> which is at stage level, above truck level. So, you have to build (or hope
>> the last guy has left) a scaffolding ?dock? that can allow you to get your
>> gear off the truck, turned 90, and sent up a ramp into the very small
>> theater.
> On Jul 26, 2015, at 3:00 PM, Dave Vick wrote:

> You haven't been there in a long time, I think. You can put two trucks
> side-by-side in the space behind the Fox stagehouse, and there's now an
> elevator platform, 16' by 24', dock-height and stage-height to unload onto;
> you can roll off the trucks onto the deck and straight onto the stage. The
> SL columns are long gone, too.

Thanks Dave. I have managed to dodge the Fox for the last 10 years or so. I’m sure the improvements are welcome. I still doubt it’s going to make anyone’s favorites list any time soon.

June Abernathy
IATSE #321 (Tampa, FL)
FOH Electrician
The Lion King National Tour

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