[SML] Taiwan water park explosion

Riter, Andrew andrew.riter at ubc.ca
Mon Jun 29 19:44:25 UTC 2015

5+ years ago (?) 2 different saw mills blew up within months of each other.

Best guess after the investigations:  accumulation of saw dust, eventually some caught fire, and at some point triggered an explosion/flashover (using the term in a not-quite-sure-what-the-proper-definition-is kinda way).

Scores injured, a few fatalities in each.

Andrew M. Riter
Assistant Technical Director / Head Lighting Technician

Andrew.riter at ubc.ca

> Subject: [SML] Taiwan water park explosin
> Holi powder ignition.  You may not want to watch this....Lets be careful out
> there.   Most  powders will ignite.  Holi powder has a main ingredient of rice
> flour and we all have heard of flour explosions.
> DickA

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