[SML] Taiwan water park explosion

Chip Wood chip.a.wood at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 21:42:02 UTC 2015

Where is the boundary in "speed" between deflagration and explosive?  Is 
there a jump or is it a continuous ramp up depending on source?  Or is 
this just experts letting us in on the details or something practical we 
can use for pyro staging?

Chip 1
On 6/30/2015 12:06 PM, Dave Vick via Stagecraft wrote:
>       (i.e. black powder on a table will burn, in a cannon barrel will
>     explode) 
>  Uhhhhh... No.
> Technically, gunpowder in confinement still doesn't explode. The term 
> is "deflagration," which is also what fuel vapor does in your engine 
> cylinders. It's still burning, however the flame front is moving 
> *EXTREMELY* rapidly... Much faster than "normal" unconfined burning, 
> but much slower than an actual explosive event.

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