[SML] odd props search

Richard John Archer rja10 at cornell.edu
Tue Mar 10 15:12:19 UTC 2015


>> Ramping up for a production of "Loose Ends", and looking for one of
>> the more unusual props...anyone have a large whole fish out there for
>> the opening scene?  I'd rather not have to try crafting a realistic
>> ocean fish in house if I can avoid it…
> Bass Pro has a large collection of stuffed pillows in the shape of fish.  My son has a rainbow trout that is about 4' long he was given a number of years ago as a gift.
> Greg Bierly

Yes my kids had fish pillows  when they were young.   You can get anything from 4'  Marlin, Shark, and Crocodiles (I know it's a reptile) to smaller bass, trout,  and bluegill.  
Google them up

TD, Cornell U

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