[SML] Lighting in the heat of an Iowa Summer

Lyric Opera Kansas City lyricoperakansascity at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 19:46:35 UTC 2015

Hello Everyone,

I have a couple of questions, but first let me give you a brief idea
of what is going on.  This summer, the Des Moines Metro Opera will be
staging Rapaccinni's Daughter outside in the Des Moines Botanical
Gardens.  It is a pretty grand area and I am looking forward to
lighting it.  A big initiative of the Botanical Gardens was to be
(pardon the pun) as green and energy efficient as possible.  So...with
that idea in mind, I have started thinking about LED lighting. So...

1.  How does everyone think LED instruments would hold up outdoors in
an Iowa summer with the heat and humidity?  I obviously know that
these units would not stand up to the rain without proper protection.
In outdoor experiences, units have been bagged after the show and
unbagged before the next.  I am not sure that would be adequate for
LED units and even if it was, would the gear hold up the the heat
during the day?

2.  Regardless of whether we are able to use LEDs or not, does anyone
know of any lighting rental houses near Des Moines that aren't the
ones I already know (CLE, Sound Concepts, TMS)?

Thanks again,

Nate Wheatley

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