[SML] (no subject)

Rob Graham photonguide at gmail.com
Thu May 21 18:32:51 UTC 2015

Fellow listers-

I'm having some challeneges using "Spikemark." I've got 6 positions
that my turntable uses, but I don't seem to be able to tell it "travel
clockwise" or "travel counterclockwise" - it seems based entirely on
math, based on the "degree position" - it seems silly that a point set
at "195" degrees will go clockwise from numbers below it, and
counterclockwise from numbers above it. Is there a way to say "go this
direction?" I'd rather not have to set points every time using math.

That seems like the usefulness of having "spike marks" is somewhat
reduced - it makes sense in my head to be able to say "go to [the
blue] spike mark counterclockwise."

Does anyone with some experience using Spikemark have any suggestions?
Seems there's nothing in the manual addressing that.

Rob Graham
photonguide at gmail.com

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