[SML] Trucking Scenery, Props, & Costumes

Brian Munroe brian at themunroes.com
Tue Nov 17 23:50:56 UTC 2015

Go with one of the companies that understands our business. You will pay more but in the long run it will be worth it. 

Clark transfer, Augliera trucking, janco, stagecall

Brian Munroe

Sent from a rather small device with big fingers

> On Nov 17, 2015, at 3:47 PM, Lyric Opera Kansas City via Stagecraft <stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Recently, I have found myself with the new responsibility of managing
> all of our trucking needs.  I have waded through countless hours
> talking through our needs with truck brokers being assured that they
> can provide a minimum 4 hours retention at each end of the transfer to
> load and unload, asking them to provide a minimum number of logistical
> straps and logistical posts, talking about the need to be on time
> because we work with set IASTE crew calls (I know things can change
> for traffic, weather, and acts of God), and many other things.
> Companies that have promised me the things I need have more than
> frequently left us dangling in the wind to make do with what we get.
> I originally was given this task because our trucking numbers were
> getting quite steep.  That being said, the company we worked with most
> was pretty good. After speak with truck brokers and eliminated
> companies I didn't think would fit our needs I found solutions that
> cost less than half of what we were previously paying for trucking.
> Those solutions have not been working out so wel though.  Now I know
> people may be quick to offer the old adage of "you get what you pay
> for," but I want to know if anyone has suggestions for trucking
> companies they have had success with.
> Thanks,
> Nate Wheatley
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