[SML] Scrollers

e-mail frank.wood95 frank.wood95 at ntlworld.com
Mon Oct 5 18:56:39 UTC 2015

> On 04 October 2015 at 23:47 Herrick Goldman <herrick at hglightingdesign.com>
> wrote:
>     Frank occasionally your opinion matters.  But the moment you imply that
> your LDs are better than other LDs you seem an uneducated child.   Go play
> with your transistors sonny, the adults are speaking. 

Herrick, when I started out in stage lighting, I had three battens of sprayed,
open lamps to play with, and three dimmers. Amber, blue, and open white. This
was back in the late 1950s. I like to think that I have learned something since
then, notably from an American guru. whose name escapes me for the moment. He
pioneered the key, fill, and backlight technique.

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