[SML] Tombstone actor shot when live rounds fired during mock gunfight

Dave Vick dave.vick at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 07:10:56 UTC 2015

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 8:20 PM, Dylan Smith via Stagecraft
<stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

> So much obviously went wrong here:
> http://www.tucsonsentinel.com/local/report/101815_tombstone/update-tombstone-actor-shot-when-live-rounds-fired-during-gunfight/

I see only one or two things wrong:

Why in HELL are they using firearms that are even capable of
chambering live rounds?

And what the F*** are they thinking, not having an armorer or gun
wrangler on-set who is the ONLY person responsible for loading the
guns (WITH BLANKS, TYVM) in the first place?

Morons... The very air abounds in morons... And people think us
law-abiding gun owners are crazy... I wonder how they get THAT idea...
Dave Vick
Flyman/Rigger, "Annie" On Tour 2015-16

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