[SML] London

Richard John Archer rja10 at cornell.edu
Fri Oct 23 23:34:49 UTC 2015

Graduate film school daughter is going to London for two weeks over her winter semester break.    I know, "Two weeks in the middle of Jan ?  Is she crazy?"   Well she is off from school and she  got RT flights from NYC   for under $500.  Cost me more to come out to Vegas for LDI.

So...any suggestions?....from what to see, as in theatre etc or where cheap to stay or who's couch to sleep on (she is a poor starving student after all).  Not much stagecraft here...replies off list would be fine.   I haven't been to London since the mid 80's and Cornell was paying for my trip.   ...I take it the British still live there?.    Thanks for the band width abuse.  

TD, Cornell U

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