[SML] Rear projection

Davin Gaddy davin at techie.com
Sun Oct 25 05:13:38 UTC 2015

How do you want the windows to look when no projection is on them?  Are you going to be projecting on it at all times that it is visible?

If yes, rear screen material is often best, especially as it can reduce the hot spot from a projector (though there are other considerations).  There are many different alternative projection fabrics that Dazian and Rosebrand have to offer.  Heck, for Halloween, I use a cheap, dollar store grade white plastic table cloth to cover my living room window and rear project on it.  

If no, then I agree that products like the screen goo material is a great option.  

Something to consider that if you use one projector to create visuals for the two separate windows, you will be wasting a lot of pixels and drastically reducing the resolution of each image.  Depending on what you want it to look like, this may be really ugly.

"Hi all,
I?m working on setting up some set windows (4 @ 6?x6?) for rear projection and I wanted to know people?s recommendations for fabric/screen material and projectors. I should be able to get a 20? throw and the projection designer is hoping to cover more than one window with one projector. 

Neither I, nor the projection designer, nor the set designer have used rear projection, but front projection in our venue is going to be such a headache, we?d rather tread into the unknown.

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