[SML] Dimming Cooling

Stephen Litterst litterst.stagecraft at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 20:36:30 UTC 2015

On 9/3/15 4:22 PM, SAMUEL JONES via Stagecraft wrote:
   This doesn’t compare
> the cost of the creation of the dimmer room and HVAC to it, but not
> an issue for not new venues.

Whether it's called a dimmer room or a distribution room, you're still 
going to need somewhere to hold the relay racks and data distribution. 
I don't see the move to LEDs making any more floor space in a new 
facility because there's no "dimmer room."

An interesting issue that just occurred to me.  Sure, you can run an 
entire position of LED fixtures off of 2-3 20A circuits, but is it 
really wise to gang that many fixtures together?  Say you need to cycle 
power during a rehearsal or show, do you want the entire system to shut 
down, or just the troublesome fixtures?  G-d forbid a rat chews the 
wrong wire in the wall -- how much of the position do you want to lose?

Consultants on the list?  How many circuits do you spec for a position 
in an all-LED facility?

Steve L.

Stephen Litterst            Technical Operations Supervisor
litterst at udel.edu           Mitchell Hall
302/831-0601                University of Delaware

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