[SML] Microphones for Board Meeting

Chip Wood chip.a.wood at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 21:37:57 UTC 2015


We used an older model like this for years and worked well for both 
close and distant  talkers, even those who left their seats and went to 
the whiteboard.  Built-in headroom control, virtually no feedback,  and 
has a local outlet for PA as well as teleconference work.  Probably easy 
to rent for a single meeting. No sound op or extra equipment,  just plug 
into local amp and speakers.


  On 9/8/2015 1:06 PM, tech dept via Stagecraft wrote:
> Is there an experienced sound operator?
> Do the conferees WANT/expect to hear themselves from the PA?
> Please describe the speaker arrangement and do you have 
> permission/time/resources to change it? Caution here.... I have 
> assisted on a couple of speaker panel discussions where the room had a 
> very well distributed speaker system of powered 8" ceiling speakers 
> with Piezo drivers and 4.5 watt self-enclosed amplifiers, in each. NO 
> headroom. period! Very embarrassing.
> What do the 'powers that be' expect the sound to be like, distant/flat 
> response or close-talking power-from-mic proximity effect?
>     The mics are for live reinforcement. It's a small blackbox theatre
>     (40'x40'). Hopefully that helps.

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