[SML] shooting start effect

billn at peak.org billn at peak.org
Sat Sep 19 08:08:17 UTC 2015

> We used monofilament because even 1/16th BGAC was noisy (and the mono was
> smooth/slick). I want to say that it hung from a couple of binder clips (yeah,
> that low tech) or something similar...  I recall that the release was fairly
> simple too and there was a second monofilament line that ran with it to pull
> it back up to the rail at post show.

Pulling a second line is an unnecessary complication - as it can tangle and
stop the effect in mid-travel.

Better is to use the line to pull the light up to the release, then unclip it
and lower the end down to deck level where it is tied off somewhere out of the
way until needed post show.


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