[SML] Splicing a Flemish Eye into wire rope

Dave Vick dave.vick at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 06:16:52 UTC 2015

On Tuesday, September 22, 2015, Gregory Maine via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:


> In discussion with my professor about the process of creating such a
> splice, his feeling is that one cannot create a functional Flemish eye
> without the requisite hydraulic press and sleeves, which I agree with.

Wrong. I have hand-turned and hand-swaged Flemish eyes in steel up to 3/8";
1/2" rope is just too damn big for me to work or crimp. It's easy to turn
the eye by hand in steel up to 1/4" diameter, the larger cables get worked
in my wire rope vise with an oak fid.

Dave Vick
Asst. Carpenter / Flyman; "Annie" On Tour '15-'16
Sent from the DavePad
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