[SML] Cheapie DC motor controlled by PWM?

Joe D jdunfee12 at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 26 20:02:50 UTC 2016

For the actual DMX interface for one of these set-ups that Jerry Durand describes, I used a cheap DMX to LED strip controllers off of E-bay, and shipped from a U.S. location for $15. It has 4 channels output, and the voltage input range is 12-24v DC.  So you will want a motor that will accept a voltage in that range. You provide the power supply.  It worked well in my tests.

 And though my recent experience with some E-bay sellers of LED lights went poorly, this particular unit has worked well for me. Though, I imagine it would be wise to put a diode and a small capacitor to prevent some electronic issues.

Joe Dunfee
jdunfee12 at yahoo.com

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