[SML] GAC Quandary

Bill Sapsis bill at sapsis-rigging.com
Wed Dec 21 22:56:07 UTC 2016

Nigel, you may not be a rigger but your research is spot on.

I am a rigger and I would concur with Nigel’s assessment if…a)  I could look at the cable and  b) I could take a couple lengths of it and have it pull tested by a professional lab.  Home made pull testing results won’t stand up in court.

Finally, white rust, in my experience,  is not uncommon.

Zat help?

Bill S.

bill at sapsis-rigging.com
+   mobile
+   x206

> On Dec 21, 2016, at 5:40 PM, Nigel Worsley via Stagecraft <stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
> This document has lots of useful info
> https://www.tatasteelconstruction.com/static_files/Tata%20Steel/content/Brands/SAB/English/resources/White%20rust%20on%20galvanized%20and%20galvanized%20pre-painted%20steel.pdf
> In particular:
> "White rust is a complex, hydrated zinc carbonate/zinc hydroxide. It
> is a corrosion
> product of zinc formed under certain specific conditions of exposure."
> "Because of the large volume of white rust often apparent, it
> frequently gives the misleading impression of extensive corrosion.
> However, in the vast majority of cases,
> white rust does not indicate serious degradation of the zinc coating
> nor does it necessarily imply any likely reduction in the expected
> life of the product. "
> Sounds like it is fine, but I am not a rigger!
> Nigel Worsley
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