[SML] Muslin Flat Oddity

Rob Graham photonguide at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 22:27:51 UTC 2016

Greetings Stagecraft Collective:

We're having an interesting phenomenon happen with some muslin soft
cover flats we're building.

Admittedly - we're not buying muslin from Rose Brand, but off of
another website, and its probably trying to save a few bucks that has
in the end, undone us.

Our flats are built using textbook correct application for every step,
and we're prepping them exactly the way both I, and the scene designer
have done multiple times through our respective careers.  The oddity
is that after stretching and applying a glue & water size, our fabric
is relaxing, rather than shrinking.  Neither of us has experienced
this before - and I've built flats using fabric from this supplier
(fabricdirect.com)  in the past without problem - albeit in a
different geographic region.  Our glue densities have been between 2:1
and 4:1 water-to-glue, and the same has happened when using a more
traditional starch-based sizing medium as well.

Have any of you members of the collective mind experiences similar to
this in your adventures, and what did you do to solve it, if you did.
And yes, we both feel a bit.....silly....over this issue.  Its
happened with flats and drops we've sized over the last few years.


Rob Graham
photonguide at gmail.com

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