[SML] Muslin Flat Oddity

Stephen Rees Stephen.Rees at fredonia.edu
Mon Feb 1 23:06:09 UTC 2016

Plus One for what Mr Hood suggests.  We made that mistake ONCE and had to
recover the flange with new goods and find alternative uses for the
poly/cotton blend.

Stephen E. Rees
RAC Addition Project Shepherd
State University of New York at Fredonia
716.673.3208 Office
716.680.1565 Mobile

On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 5:33 PM, Steven Hood via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

> We had that problem once. We went back and looked carefully at the fiber
> content, and it turned out we were getting cotton/poly blend.
> Steven R Hood
> 310.756.3555
> On February 1, 2016 2:28:06 PM Rob Graham via Stagecraft <
> stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
> Greetings Stagecraft Collective:
>> We're having an interesting phenomenon happen with some muslin soft
>> cover flats we're building.
>> Admittedly - we're not buying muslin from Rose Brand, but off of
>> another website, and its probably trying to save a few bucks that has
>> in the end, undone us.
>> Our flats are built using textbook correct application for every step,
>> and we're prepping them exactly the way both I, and the scene designer
>> have done multiple times through our respective careers.  The oddity
>> is that after stretching and applying a glue & water size, our fabric
>> is relaxing, rather than shrinking.  Neither of us has experienced
>> this before - and I've built flats using fabric from this supplier
>> (fabricdirect.com)  in the past without problem - albeit in a
>> different geographic region.  Our glue densities have been between 2:1
>> and 4:1 water-to-glue, and the same has happened when using a more
>> traditional starch-based sizing medium as well.
>> Have any of you members of the collective mind experiences similar to
>> this in your adventures, and what did you do to solve it, if you did.
>> And yes, we both feel a bit.....silly....over this issue.  Its
>> happened with flats and drops we've sized over the last few years.
>> Thanks,
>> Rob Graham
>> photonguide at gmail.com
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