[SML] Fire Units

Mike Katz narishkup at gmail.com
Sat Feb 27 14:57:41 UTC 2016

We have done the effect using RC4 4 dimmer packs and a  battery The initial
investment is about $1000 for a transmitter and a 4 dimmer wireless unit.
RC4 rents them as well. We used a Harbor freight wireless emergency car
starter for the power since it had 12 volt plugs and the charger built in
and it cost under 50 bucks. You can use leds or birdies or any 12 volt lamp
as the lamps. The current series even has a flicker effect built in so it
is easy to make fire work.

Michael Katz
narishkup at gmail.com
C: 857.383.0020

On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 5:54 PM, Matthew Whiton via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

> Per my suspicion there don't seem to be many DMX controlled flame units on
> the market.
> So at this point I'd like to ask for recommendations for a good fire
> circuit design which I can vary the intensity on via good ol-fashioned
> dimming.
> The fire is going to be at the bottom of a trash can. No one needs to be
> able to see the flame. It is the motivating source for the entire scene
> when it is on, so it needs some punch.
> Many thanks to everyone for your generously shared wisdom.
> Matt
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