[SML] Source for ChromaQ Scroller Gel Tabs

Chad Croteau cpcroteau at bell.net
Sat Jan 30 22:13:09 UTC 2016

Hi Robert,

Try calling Christie Lites.  They use chroma q as their house scroller and usually have parts in stock.



Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 30, 2016, at 1:02 PM, Robert Graham via Stagecraft <stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
> So apparently, AC Lighting no longer manufactures gel strings for Chroma Q Broadway scrollers (that’s what the sales rep said to me via email when I contacted them, so…).  We’re now using our extensive 25-years worth of my predecessor buying lots of extra gel inventory to manufacture our own scrollers.  Of course, there’s a hitch - the tiny metal tabs that appear at the end of the scrolls that help hold them to the spindle.
> Does anyone know of a source for them? I need a dozen or so, but I’d buy a gross of them if they’re pennies (heck, probably even dimes!) apiece.  I don’t want to scavenge our extant scroll supply - I’m just trying to create a new set for a specific production.
> Sure, I’d love LED color, but I can’t afford it.  Even to rent.  
> Sensible suggestions are appreciated.
> TIA-
> Rob G.
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