[SML] White LED lighting

Ray Gibson booray at gmail.com
Tue Jun 21 18:50:01 UTC 2016

On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 10:52 AM, Jerry Durand via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

> The new "white" LED street lighting which is rapidly being retrofitted in
> cities throughout the country has two problems, according to the AMA. The
> first is discomfort and glare. Because LED light is so concentrated and has
> high blue content, it can cause severe glare, resulting in pupillary
> constriction in the eyes. Blue light scatters more in the human eye than
> the longer wavelengths of yellow and red, and sufficient levels can damage
> the retina
> <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S001448351400236X>.
> This can cause problems seeing clearly for safe driving or walking at night.
> I've always enjoyed the soft pink glow of the old streetlamps in the LA
suburbs, which probably match what was around everywhere else.  Are those
sodium lamps?

I also remember that the streetlights in San Diego were an ugly orange
color and they really bothered me.. What kind of lamps were those?  I
haven't been that way in a long time so maybe they're long gone but if I
noticed this difference surely more experienced lighting professionals here

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