[SML] Arduino DMX Shield

Jerry Durand jdurand at interstellar.com
Thu Mar 10 20:49:22 UTC 2016

A few things:

The Cortex, of course, has a lot more processing power even in the cheap
little 8 pin DIP packages.

But the UARTs have good capability for setting the baud rate as well as
16 byte FIFOs that actually work.  Depending on the Cortex model you can
also use DMA so incoming data just fills an array for you (if you need a
lot of channels).  For DMX reception I use an interrupt with a state
machine in it and set the FIFO interrupts to about half full.

Outgoing is even easier, with an RTOS running I don't even us an
interrupt most of the time.

Interrupt handling is fast.

If you need to do PWM, their timers all support that with almost zero
real time overhead.

Some also have a configurable state machine timer/counter/thingy output
that can be quite handy.  I use it in some products to give me a 15+ bit
ADC when the part only has a comparator.

And, since there's often plenty of ROM space, I now run FreeRTOS on just
about everything.  I used SALVO on the MSP processors but dropped it
when I met Mr Richard Barry at a trade show.

On 03/10/2016 10:55 AM, JIM VOGEL wrote:
> Jerry,
> Jerry Durand  - "Now that I'm using the ARM Cortex processors, DMX is super simple."
> Is that because of the increased processing power, or something else?
> Thanks
> Jim
> James E. Vogel
> Technical Director
> 452 N Sherman Ave
> Madison, WI 53704
> (() phone:      (608) 692-2010
> (() e-mail:     vogeljames at aol.com

Jerry Durand, Durand Interstellar, Inc.  www.interstellar.com
tel: +1 408 356-3886, USA toll free: 1 866 356-3886

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