[SML] EOS Cue list question

Jeff Forbes jforbes1956 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 13 03:46:42 UTC 2016

I’ve been designing for a dance company for 6 or 7 years now and lately their touring has started ramping up quite a bit. All of their shows for the first 4 years that I was with them were programmed on either a Strand 520 or an Obsession II depending on the theatre. Both of those venues now have the new ETC consoles, and the older shows I’ve migrated to EOS show files so they’re all standardized. But what I need to do now is get all of the various rep pieces into one master show file and give each piece its own cue list. Is there a way to take a group of cues and migrate them as a group to a new cue list? I haven’t been able to find that in the manual yet. I want to take cues 300-321 for instance and move them into a new cue list and call them 5/100-121 for example. 


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