[SML] Now homeless due to fire.

Dale Farmer dale at cybercom.net
Fri Mar 25 05:11:38 UTC 2016

Hi everyone.  My home caught fire today.  Nobody got hurt but the house in badly damaged.  Sleeping on my brother's couch tonight, if the adrenaline ever wears off.  Tomorrow starts the insurance saga.   
Not a happy camper, but it could have gone far far worse.    
Anyone know of a room to rent near boston? The brother will want his couch back soon.  Single male, nonsmoker and allergic to cats and dogs.  Preferable is for the quincy/ Braintree area, closer to work.  Maybe I'll see if the apartments that are going up next to the new Wegmans market are open and affordable.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone
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