[SML] New wireless: analog or digital?

Jon Ares jonares at arescreative.com
Wed May 18 21:45:30 UTC 2016

Howdy folks... I have a friend whose church is preparing to clear out
their collection of barely-hanging-on wireless mics... all analog, in
various states of repair and functionality, and replace with new (both
some handhelds and over-the-ear types).  He's sorting through the
choices of analog and digital systems.... just curious about
pros/cons/pitfalls of digital.  (We all know about the dwindling
frequencies.)  I said I'd ask here.

Not necessarily asking for recommendations as to specific brands or
models (but that's certainly welcome) - mostly looking for thoughts on
whether digital is all it's cracked up (or hopes) to be, and should
one choose one over the other.


Jon Ares

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