[SML] NYU TD position

Herrick Goldman Herrick at hglightingdesign.com
Mon May 23 20:12:08 UTC 2016

A friend just posted this.  The link was broken but I’m sure some searching will work. 

Anyone looking for a Technical Director gig with lots of benefits?
New York University Tisch School of the Arts Department of Drama is now hiring a full time Technical Director.
This is a full time / 12 month position with benefits, and includes teaching responsibilities.
The technical director oversees daily operations of the undergraduate scene shop, and manages a professional staff of two (scene shop supervisor and technical fabricator), a part time staff of four graduate assistants (who serve as carpenters, props artisans, and painters), as well as undergraduate student crews.
The technical director works with the scenic design faculty in mentoring undergraduate designers and technicians through the process of scenic design and construction, and teaches classes in stagecraft to various levels of students in various courses of study.
For more information:

Herrick Goldman
Lighting Designer, NYC
"To the scores of silent alchemists who wreak their joy in darkness and in
light bringing magic to life, we bow most humbly. "-CDS

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