[SML] Tracking Scenery on a Budget

Jon Lagerquist jon at lagerquist.com
Tue Nov 8 16:32:08 UTC 2016

We are well in the third decade of having stage hands behind the scenery 
for A Christmas Carol. It works well, is highly adaptable, the 
programing time is generally short.

As far as tracks, if you need tracks, stage hands may reduce that need, 
a groove in the floor, a pair of 1x pieces on the floor with bevels, a 
run of angle iron all work. We generally winch units in a 3/4" sub floor 
and a 1/4" show deck. You can track through curves as well.

After standing behind the scenery and push sticks you move to winches. A 
rope rigged like an inverted traveler track will work, hand cranked 
winches give you the option of other cables to connect to the unit. 
These can be shop built and it is worth looking into the rent/borrow 
options. Once you move to motors the cost goes up for both parts and 
control and safety.

On 11/7/2016 7:26 PM, JIM VOGEL via Stagecraft wrote:
> High school students as stagehands pushing the scenery might be the least expensive.
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Nov 7, 2016, at 20:07, Mark S. Eccleston via Stagecraft <stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
>> I'm designing some scenery for a high school  production of Disney's Little
>> Mermaid and am considering tracking most of the  scenery on and off the
>> stage.  In my mind I'd like to use multiple tracks  in order to track something
>> off right and on left and vice versa.  Maybe  four to six track systems in
>> all.
>> I think I can figure out the  tracks, but coming up with an economical way
>> to drive the scenery is what I'm  struggling with.  I would imagine that
>> some type of manual winch systems  would be the most economical.
>> Anyone have a design for something along  those lines they can send me?
>> Another idea?  I have several months  before I have to put this together so I
>> have time to get some things built,  etc.
>> As I said in the title, there is of course the budget to  consider.
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Mark S.  Eccleston
>> 256-694-8575
>> Huntsville, AL
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Jon Lagerquist

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