[SML] scaffold clamps

Duncan Mahoney dmahoney at usc.edu
Thu Feb 9 20:19:55 UTC 2017

Clamps Unlimited  http://www.clampsunlimited.net/  might have what you are looking for, or might be able to point you in the right direction.

Duncan Mahoney
Director of Technical Direction
Associate Professor of Theatre Practice
University of Southern California School of Dramatic Arts

Message: 8
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2017 21:02:37 -0500
From: Sean McCarthy <seanrmccarthy at gmail.com<mailto:seanrmccarthy at gmail.com>>
To: Stagecraft <stagecraft at theatrical.net<mailto:stagecraft at theatrical.net>>
Subject: [SML] scaffold clamps
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I'm trying to find a fixed (90 degree) 'cheeseborough' style clamp to attach a piece of sch 40 1.5ID pipe to a round piece of solid stock that's 2.83" in diameter (aka close enough to sch 40 2.5ID pipe for these purposes).

My googlefu is failing me.  What am I actually trying to find....and from whom can I get it?

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