[SML] Annual USITT get together

Bill Conner billconnerastc at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 19:28:50 UTC 2017

I think I am reneging on this invite and hosting an SML get together
at USITT.  I started going to USITT in 1982 but have been thinking
alot about what Paul Tsongas said:  "No one on his deathbed ever said,
I wish I had spent more time on my business."  I'm not dying any more
than most any of us and not retiring for at least 2-3 years and maybe
5, and maybe never form my building and fire code endeavors, but I do
turn 65 this week and my New Year's resolution was to  "play more,
work less".  This specific decision is partly due to a conflict with
Canoecopia, a great outdoors show held in Madison WI each year.
Frankly, its more "playful" and fun than USITT, so I'm being selfish.

I hope someone can pick up the role of hosting an SML get together.
To be honest, its much less expensive than I ever imagined.  I have
been surprised, and not at all disappointed, at how low cost it is,
somewhere around a plane ticket.

As I noted, I'm not going away, just cutting back on a few
extra-vocational activities, like conferences and continuing
education, and hopefully taking a few more canoe and back packing
treks, making up for all the years I never took a vacation at all.
(If you work for yourself, saving vacation days is a kind of silly

Lastly, I hope you all prosper, and max out your social security and
medicare payments.  I appreciate it.

Bill Conner Fellow of the ASTC

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