[SML] FCC Stuff/Mic System Upgrade

Rob Graham photonguide at gmail.com
Fri Jul 28 04:42:32 UTC 2017

Ok, I think I finally found a "list". If I'm wrong, please correct me! I believe These frequencies will be available for unlicensed operators: 

<608 MHz
614 - 616 MHz 
653-663 MHz
902-928 MHz
1920-1930 MHz 
2.4 GHz
5 GHz

The FCC indicates that we have to clear the other 600mhz bands no later than 13 July 2020, but the owner of those band (TMobile?) can start using them as soon as next month, and if our gear interferes with said spectrum, we can be 'legally compelled' to cease operations in those bands.

Would you gurus say that's a fair assessment of the situation?

Sent from my iPad

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