[SML] That Customer

billn at peak.org billn at peak.org
Thu Mar 30 14:38:59 UTC 2017

> https://www.thecableco.com/Product/ART-Vibraton
> You. Have. Got. To. Be. Fucking. Kidding. Me...

Did you see the link I posted for the pair of monophonic amplifiers, costing
well in excess of $100,000? Or the 6 foot main power cables for over $15,000

> Ah, yeah. Imagine how expensive it would be to have hearing so acute that you
> could tell the difference.
> Or to believe you did.

I have known a couple of these "golden ear" fools. The funny thing is, none of
them has been willing to do a blind test of their system against even a modest
cost setup.


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