[SML] That Customer

Jerry Durand jdurand at interstellar.com
Thu Mar 30 16:45:58 UTC 2017

On 03/30/2017 06:38 AM, Don Taco via Stagecraft wrote:
>     https://www.thecableco.com/Product/ART-Vibraton
> You. Have. Got. To. Be. Fucking. Kidding. Me...
>                  Ah, yeah. Imagine how expensive it would be to have
>     hearing so acute that you could tell the difference.
>                     Or to believe you did.

Some people pay more than a house for a bottle of wine that's so good
they will never consider opening it.

Jerry Durand, Durand Interstellar, Inc.
tel: +1 408 356-3886

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