[SML] Recommended telescoping boom mic stands?

E R Casey ercasey at espsound.com
Wed Nov 1 19:06:29 UTC 2017

K&M stands.  There are plenty of cheaper imitations of varying degrees of crappiness and longevity but K&M are the real deal.  The link is what came up quickly but lots of usual suspect vendors handle them.

http://www.fullcompass.com/brand/KM_K-and-M-Stands.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjw4eXPBRCtARIsADvOjY3tbKm8gs5x7HGuIM03zmbhSb0zbmEGgqduwk2sYjMZvHLpQYjqLAYaAjTrEALw_wcB <http://www.fullcompass.com/brand/KM_K-and-M-Stands.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjw4eXPBRCtARIsADvOjY3tbKm8gs5x7HGuIM03zmbhSb0zbmEGgqduwk2sYjMZvHLpQYjqLAYaAjTrEALw_wcB>

> On 1 Nov2017, at 3:00 PM, stagecraft-request at theatrical.net wrote:
> Subject: [SML] Recommended telescoping boom mic stands?
> Message-ID:
> 	<CAN1Z+zb8sS3_LL=gY-KOoOaooQs=wNAtFqPHTKeVRLsKUQ6PDA at mail.gmail.com <mailto:CAN1Z+zb8sS3_LL=gY-KOoOaooQs=wNAtFqPHTKeVRLsKUQ6PDA at mail.gmail.com>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Greetings all... happy November.  I'm looking to replace microphone
> stands - we have telescoping boom types, and after 13 years, the boom
> part is the failing part.  The telescoping part slides freely, even
> with the knobs tightened all the way down. These stands don't get
> abused, and as a matter of fact, the telescoping bit doesn't get
> telescoped very often, but when we go to use them, they can't lock in
> place.  Or the thing just slides out on its own accord.
> I am not sure what brand they are - don't have one near me right now,
> but I'm interested in others' favorite brands.
> These are also the tripod-style, with a knob at the bottom that can be
> loosened so the legs can fold down, and the base can slide up for
> compact storage. But that knob down there is often really hard to
> un-do, even though they were not gorilla-gripped. So an alternative
> brand might be welcome.
> -- 
> Jon Ares
> www.arescreative.com <http://www.arescreative.com/>
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